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A fragrance is the unseen and FIRST THING people sniff when they stand next to you.
● Thus, it should be balanced and pleasant.

But no one should be able to detect your fragrance unless he or she steps inside your personal circle - which extends an arm’s length from the body.
● Thus, it should never be overwhelming.

At the same time, you should be able to apply it just once a day and enjoy it all day long.
● Thus, it should be long lasting.

In order to meet all these requirements, your favorite perfume has to be harmonious, rounded-off and rich of most premium aromas. That's what is all about.

We have worked tirelessly and passionately to make sure that our eau de parfum - from the top notes or “impact initial”, to the base notes or “fond”, via the heart notes or “bouquet” - are drop after drop exactly what you expect them to be: The best. We don’t take any chances.

Our eau de parfum contain no coloring and no phthalates. They are formulated with ingredients that have both been approved by the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM) and carefully reviewed by the International Fragrance Association Scientific Committee (IFRA).

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